Gifts of Real Estate: The Details

Is this gift right for you?

A gift of real estate is for you if…

We are happy to consider gifts of residential, commercial, and undeveloped real estate.

As with donations of other types of appreciated property, gifts of real estate secure a charitable income tax deduction for you, based on the fair market value of the property, with no capital gains liability for the transfer to American Heart Association.

You can donate real estate to American Heart Association in several ways:

When you are considering a gift of real estate, keep two considerations in mind:

  1. We will gratefully review your offer and evaluate the condition and marketability of the proposed real estate to determine that the donation is risk free and appropriate for all parties.
  2. The IRS requires donors of real estate to secure an independent appraisal to establish the fair market value of the property. We can assist you in following the IRS procedures for this appraisal.

Please contact us so that we can assist you through every step of the process.
